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Health Council Minutes 01-24-2013
Minutes for Thursday January 24, 2013
Call to order:  Chair Dave Caron called the meeting to order at 7:30AM.
Our next meeting will be February 21, 7:30AM in the Public Safety Building in West Tisbury.  This is a change from the schedule due to school vacation week the following week.
Members attending:  Eleanor Beth, Julia Burgess, Dave Caron, Trudy Carter,  Cindy Doyle, Jay Ferriter, Judie Flanders, Angie Grant, Chris Knowles, Sarah Kuh, Nancy Langman, Michael Loberg, Karen Meeks, Paddy Moore, Nancy Phillips, Gayle Poggi, Joseph Roberts, Susan Sanford,  Joyce Stiles-Tucker, Brenda Wallis, Dedie Wieler;  Guests:  Betsy Corsiglia, Melinda Loberg, Carol Kenney, Kevin Carey, Charles Hodge
Members absent: Tom Bennett, Barbara Bernstein, Sharon Clauss-Zanger, Donna Davey, Valerio Destefani,  JoAnn Murphy, Nancy Phillips, Connie Teixeira, Martina Thornton, Beth Toomey, Bob Tonti, James Weiss
Minutes:   A motion was made to accept the minutes of the December  meeting . The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Treasurer's Report: Julia Burgess reported that the Council has its FY13 appropriation of $500 still available and asked the members to identify uses for the funds.  Susan Sanford said she would be asking for funds under a later agenda item.  
Nominating Committee Report
Jay Ferriter presented the report.  Proposed new members were introduced.  There are fewer proposed and returning members than the 32 maximum allowed on the Council.  The slate will be voted upon at the February meeting.  
New Mini Grants from Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
Dedie Wieler reported on the new mini grants awarded by the hospital.  There are four grants of $5,000 each.  They went to the following:
  • Youth Task Force for “Above the Influence”
  • Island Grown Initiative for “Health Breakfasts, Taste Treats and Family Outreach”
  • MV Center for Living for the “Medical Taxi Program”
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cape Cod and the Islands for “One to One Youth Mentoring”
Julia Burgess asked that the availability of mini grants be more widely advertised next year.  Paddy suggested the Council could use some of its money for this purpose and to promote the work of the Council in general.
Rural Health Care Update
Postponed to next meeting
Dave Caron left the meeting and Vice Chair Jay Ferriter took over.
Proposals for Rural Scholars Projects for 2013
Paddy Moore reviewed what the Rural Scholars Program is and its objectives.  She stated that they Health Council decides what the project will be and then presents it to the UMass Medical School personnel for approval.  She describes some of the past projects the results of which are available on the Health Council section of the County website.  She asked the Council members to identify proposals for the upcoming year and also stated the committee is open to new members.
Proposal for Follow up on Rural Scholars Fall Risk Report
Sue Sanford presented a program she has developed that she feels could meet the recommendations from the fall risk report.  The proposal includes:
  • Identification of at risk individuals; ie patients over 55 years old are screened during annual MD physicals. Educate in service MDs on a simple fall risk screen: The Functional Reach Test.
  • Offer fall risk screenings and balance strengthening classes at various settings including senior centers, local gyms, health fairs.
She outlined potential costs as Functional Reach Testing materials (40 yard sticks and 120 feet of Velcro) as well as class instructor fee, educational/exercise instruction print outs and advertising.
She asked for support of the Health Council and “a little” funding.  She asked if she could apply for one of the mini grants in the future and Dedie stated that the Health Council could sponsor her application for funding through the county.
Paddy suggested talking with the Mass in Motion people, island towns regarding uneven sidewalks and the VNA for screening.
Nancy Langman stated that she would like to see this assessment added to mental health screenings as medications can affect balance.  Trudy Carter stated that the same is true for medications taken by many of the elderly.
Karen Meeks stated that the hospital health fair and VNA have screenings for falls available already.  Several people thought a collaboration of agencies on this would be beneficial.  Sue said she is just presenting “her small piece” but would be happy to participate in a larger program.  She asked if it is the Health Council’s responsibility to follow up on recommendations of the Rural Scholars.  Dedie replied that it is but there is no formal process.  
Jay Ferriter asked for volunteers to work with on this.  Nancy Phillips mentioned that the activity part of the Mass in Motion program has been slow to get going and that perhaps this program will work well with them.  Volunteers were Nancy Phillips, Nancy Langman, Gayle Poggi, Karen Meeks and Carol Kenney.  Sue will convene a meeting.  Judie Flanders mentioned that this was originally a project of the Elder Affairs Committee but had seemed too big for them to take on.  As the Elder Affairs Committee is reconstituted after the election of new members, perhaps members of that committee could participate as well.  The group agreed to meet over the next month and give an update at the February meeting.
Sarah Kuh mentioned that the Tufts Health Care Foundation had an RFP available on fall prevention that could be pursued by the larger project.  She did not know if this is still available.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45AM.
Respectfully submitted:
Eleanor Beth, Secretary